Dr Geetha Theverkalam
Dr Geetha Theverkalam completed her MBBS from University of Calicut, India. Following this she undertook Physician training at the Monash Medical Centre and Endocrinology training at Eastern Health, Austin and St Vincent’s Hospital. She is currently a Consultant Endocrinologist at St Vincent’s Hospital and Eastern Health. Dr Geetha is also working towards completing her PhD on Diabetes related complications from University of Melbourne. She is involved in teaching medical students and endocrinology trainees at St Vincent’s Hospital and is a lecturer at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Geetha welcomes referrals on all aspects of Endocrinology including:
Diabetes mellitus type 1 &2
Thyroid disease
Pituitary and adrenal disorders
Pregnancy related endocrine conditions
Other endocrine disorders
Consults at: Ivanhoe clinic